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Do you sometimes feel like you just want to disappear?

Rosie Sha
2 min readMay 28, 2024

Well, I do.

I sometimes feel like closing my eyes and disappearing from this world.

The cause of the issue is the emotional storm brewing inside.

Isn’t it one of the main reasons why we choose to suppress our emotions? They are too strong and overwhelming, aren’t they?

They seem difficult to deal with, particularly in the middle of all the chaotic work, unchecked to-do lists, or with kids with their tantrums.

Nevertheless, I chose to listen to them. I also chose not to neglect the emotional tantrums of my kids. I know it from my childhood, it will be a volcano underneath waiting to erupt if covered without attention.

Sometimes I can sit with my emotions wisely and solve them in peace. Sometimes I want to run away from them as far as I can.

As Mo Gawdat, the Founder of OneBillionHappy said, “We only feel when we’re alive. We’re only alive when we feel”.

I am here now BEING and LIVING my turbulence. Therefore, I am alive.

As with everything else, it shall pass too.

I understand where my worries and sadness coming from. We are complex living beings and life too is getting complex with distractions and bombardments with rising standards. These circumstances make me feel like I am not enough. The feeling of dissatisfaction is in my human nature.

I close my eyes again. Take a deep breath and exhale the air that also takes my sadness and worries with it. I repeat it several times. Until I visualize my inner world as still and serene as silence and freshness after a storm.

Expressing my emotional state in written form helped speed up the healing process. I am grateful for being able to write down my vulnerabilities. I am happy to stay authentic despite the ready-made framework of the modern world. I appreciate Medium for all of this.

Dear reader, thanks for taking the time to read and share my sadness. Leave a comment if you relate to my experience.

I wonder how you deal with your emotional turbulence.



Rosie Sha

A teacher, linguist and translator, who's also a spiritual soul and holistic health care advocate. I write about inner work therapy for our holistic wellbeing.