Blossom from within

“ Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves .” — Quran 13:11

Rosie Sha
2 min readJun 13, 2024
Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash

Look at the sky. Do you see the clouds? Yes, they are apart from you and they shall pass. Your emotions and thoughts are the same. They are on top of you to serve you and they shall pass.

We are donated with certain emotions for our well-being. Anger and fear help us survive or strive. Happiness and joy are there for our longevity, the human species continuum, and so forth.

Besides all these spontaneous emotional reactions, induced by our survival mechanism, most of our emotions are created by us. Our environment, sleep diet, most importantly thoughts determine the quality of our emotions.

Everyone knows how intolerant we become after a sleep-deprived night or missed breakfast. For example, I feel pity for the days I wasted in sadness and gloom that just spiraled down starting with a pessimistic thought. OK, let’s talk about positive things, shall we?

Have you noticed how standing tall and putting a charming smile on a face (even if it’s fake) boosts your energy? Or have you enjoyed feeling full of life after a good exercise or deep refreshing slow breath in the morning? It’s undeniable how good thoughts and positive words improve the quality of our mood (by the way not to others only but to ourselves as well).

We all know the things that pull us up and what drag us down. Maybe they are ignored because it’s easier to blame the weather than show effort to dance under the rain. We can’t change our fate but we can enhance our destiny. Let’s start the change within.

“Our bodies change our minds, our minds change our behavior, and our behavior changes our outcomes.” — Amy Cuddy, social psychologist

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I write to ‘shrink’ the issues on this life journey where spirituality and mindfulness introspect with overall well-being.

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Rosie Sha

A teacher, linguist and translator, who's also a spiritual soul and holistic health care advocate. I write about inner work therapy for our holistic wellbeing.